7apps - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

Anyone who makes a living on the web knows that the best apps are the ones that work for you, not against you. Apps that save you time, make your work a little easier, and are convenient and easy to use. Find and app that does these things and saves you money and youre golden. The apps featured here all can do these things, so click on a few and check them out. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Tn3Gallery - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

tn3Gallery If you use pics and vids in your WordPress blogs you need this app.

WordPress is the premier blogging platform on the net, and tn3Gallery makes it even better. An easy to learn and use plug-in, this app give you built-in tools that help you crop, arrange and otherwise manipulate your pics and vids. The end result is a blog that really looks awesome and sets it apart from the crowd.

Best Feature Slideshows and transitions for your pics that look like a pro made them.


CodeYear - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.


Code Year Learn to write code in your spare time.

If youre desperate to learn code (and frankly Im not) theres a new website that will teach you in your spare time at home. Code Year is one of the first online code courses and they seem to have everything you would need to learn how to write JavaScript and all the rest. If you want to learn how to really build your own websites this is the place to go. Id rather use websites that feature WYSIWYG platforms but thats just me.

Best Feature Its free.


MightyDeals - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

Mighty Deals Web tools that you can really use at excellent prices? Sweet!

There is a virtual sea of deal sites on the net these days, but the only problem is that most of them have either stuff that you dont need or stuff that you wouldnt even want. Mighty Deals save you money and time by offering items that you actually can use in your daily web life and giving them to you at prices that kick butt. I wish all deal sites could say the same.

Best Feature The deal of the day showcases an extra super deal every day.


MyPermissionsCleaner - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

My Permissions Cleaner Know and control who has permission to use your personal info.

With identity theft on the rise all over the world its imperative to know what websites can and cant access when it comes to your personal data. Believe me, if you knew just how many other sites FaceBook lets in on your info youd dump them in a second. With My Permissions Cleaner you get an app that tells you who has access to your personal data and lets you control who can us it. Thats important, and this app is a must.

Best Feature It shows all your data and where its being shared so you can control it.


dlvr.it  - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

dlvr.it Your content delivered to your social sites when you need it.

If you have multiple websites on the net and you deliver a lot of content to a big fan-base dlvr.it could be a very useful app for you. It lets you put a time stamp on your blog posts and have them sent to social sites at the time you determine for optimum effect and viewership. It also helps with backlinks automatically, getting more clicks on your sites.

Best Feature Easily connect to other social sites using their routes.


FreeAgent - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

Free Agent An online accounting program thats easy to use.

When you run an online business you know that the numbers can sometimes be a little hard to follow and keep track of. Free Agent will do all the hard work for you, and gives you an easy to follow format that tracks billable hours to expenses and everything in between. Theres no cost to set up your account either, and a very small learning curve.

Best Feature Bank level security for your data.


GoCal - 7 apps to help you get through your busy day.

GoCal The Google Calendar app booster.

This one is only for the iPad and iPhone. It takes the already well made Google calendar and gives it some extra capabilities like scrolling, alerts and texting. The app works on all the various iPhone and iPad models too, so thats a big plus. I dont personally use Google calendar but if you do this could be a sweet upgrade.

Best Feature Communicate to friend and colleagues for events directly through the app.


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