Startups and small businesses face an uphill struggle when theyre trying to compete. Because theyre not well known, when they get a visitor to their site, they need to do all they can to get them to stick around and check out their product or service. Larger businesses can easily afford a higher bounce rate, but for startups first impressions count.

This means that its not just enough to have a great product you need a great homepage to get people to check it out. It needs to show off the product well, succinctly and beautifully. Think about how Apple show off their new products on their site. Thats the level of detail, care and attention that needs to go into a startups homepage too.


When youre designing a homepage for a small business or startups product, every part of it should entice the visitor to keep reading or to take a particular action, such as signing up or trying the demo. The headline should be succinct, be straight to the point and potentially be a bit of a teaser to encourage the visitor to read further. The copy should be compelling, use short sentences and be straight to the point but descriptive. The imagery and visuals should be aesthetically pleasing, should (where possible) show off the product and the typography should be thoughtfully crafted so that its easy to read, and follows a natural flow.


Weve brought together a collection of creative homepages, interesting and thoughtfully designed homepages that all do a great job of encouraging the visitor to stay and check out the product. We hope you find the collection a source of inspiration for your next design project.


01 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


02 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


03 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


04 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


05 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


06 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


07 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


08 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


09 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


10 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


11 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


12 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


13 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


14 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages


15 homepage - A Collection of Creative Homepages

Have you found any beautifully designed, creative and inspiring homepage designs? Wed love to hear about them in the comments, and if you want a great creative homepage design try to find a good web solutions agency.


Dan writes for the Handpicked Collection,. He enjoys studying web and graphic design and is currently learning to code.

  • Really lovely collections and creative as well. Thanks………

  • I must thank you for sharing this useful topic. Really a worth reading post ! it explains it all so easliy ! thank you for sharing this article !!

  • Thank you for sharing awesome article. I am a professional Graphic Designer and provide Clipping Path Service .

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