Launching a mobile website and make your website memorablecan be a difficult experience, but that shouldnt keep you from making your site the best it can possibly be. You want people to remember your mobile website, not only for its appearance, but for its functionality and its efficiency. If you can create a mobile website that is special and useful for your readers or customers, you will make them loyal to you and your website, and therefore loyal to your business. These are two tips for making your mobile website as memorable as possible, keeping your customers coming back over and over.

Appearance Matters

When designing your mobile website, keep in mind that appearance is incredibly important. In order for people to remember your website, you have to make sure that your mobile site looks great on every page and from every view. As soon as people click on your page, it should be both recognizable and memorable.


Color scheme

You can do this by starting with a memorable color scheme. Choose something that looks great on mobile devices and make sure you check it on your own mobile device. No matter how great the colors are, you have to make sure that your websites text and pages are clearly visible, so choose your color scheme wisely. If you can find bright colors that work well, that is a great place to start.


Images and Logos

You should also include some images and a logo, if your website has one. If your website doesnt have a logo, your mobile website is a great place to launch one. A logo is memorable and recognizable, which is exactly what you want.

Make It User-Friendly

Another way to make your mobile website memorable is to make it the easy for customers to use. The best mobile sites are easy to navigate and are full of useful information. If customers or viewers visit your site and are able to navigate everything they need without getting frustrated or needing help, it will be a memorable experience. They will remember how great and easy it was to use your website and this will keep them returning to your mobile page instead of others. Another way to make sure your site is user-friendly is to include a Frequently Asked Questions section, or FAQs. On this page, address any concerns your customers might have, and make sure that your companys address, phone number, and email address are all listed there. If you are easy to contact, youll prove with your mobile website that you provide great customer service, and that is memorable.

Never overlook the importance of keeping your website memorable for your customers. If they remember how easy your mobile website is to use and how great it looks, they will always return to it when they need to use a mobile site like yours. Check out some mobile sites that you think are great and make note of the features you like most about it, and then think about how you can customize those features and make them work on your mobile website. Also make note of things on mobile websites that dont work well and be sure to avoid them.

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