Shopify 2010 black - Upgrade Your Shopping Cart Software to Increase Online Revenue

To increase online revenue, webmasters must ensure that the shopping cart experience is user-friendly and pleasant for every shopper. The goal of any ecommerce website host is to minimize shopping cart abandonment. Shopping cart software should be used to minimize this common occurrence. Shopify provides business owners with secure shopping cart solutions. With secure shopping cart software, consumers can enter their credit card information or shop with PayPal and be assurance that their information will not be misused or enter the hands of a hacker.

What Should Shopping Cart Software Include?

Level 1 PCI-DSS Compliant. Shopping cart software should be Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant. This reduces the risk of credit card or other data being compromised if the data is encrypted during transmission. eCommerce websites should feature, at least, 128-bit SSL certificates should be used to keep the order details secure.

The Ability to Accept Credit Cards and PayPal. Customers need flexibility of payment. The shopping cart should accept VISA, AMEX and MasterCard. PayPal is also another popular mode of payment.

The Ability to Handle High Payment Volume. Standard solutions can only handle a certain degree of payment volume. If the volume exceeds this amount, the shopping cart should be upgraded to another payment gateway. Common gateways include or Stripe. There are, at least, 50 other payment gateways available.

The Ability to Support Numerous Gateways. When companies reach a certain payment volume, options should be available to handle payments. If you’re selling on Wix or Shopify – there are over 50 payment gateways that will accept credit cards available on such platforms.

The Ability to Customize the Page to 50 or More Languages. The shopping cart can be translated into 50 or more languages including: Dutch, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese and Swedish. The shopping cart may also be set to the local currency.

Easy Shipping Rate Calculation. Shipping rates can be automatically calculated from USPS, UPS and FedEx in real time. This makes it easy for business owners to ship products or services.

The Ability to Detect Mobile Phone Purchases. Many shopping cart software solutions detect when a customer checks out via a mobile phone. The website will offer an optimized mobile shopping cart experience for Android, iPhone and Blackberry.

The Ability to Recover Abandoned Shopping Carts. When users abandon shopping carts, the company can send an email to the user to remind them to complete the purchase. This helps companies recover lost sales and increase sales conversions.

Upgrade Your Shopping Cart Software and Increase Your Sales

Shopify - Upgrade Your Shopping Cart Software to Increase Online Revenue

Business owners should upgrade their shopping carts to increase sales conversions. By implementing these simple practices, sales conversions will increase. Consider integrating a new shopping cart solution to improve a company?s revenue.

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